Creative filmmaker Krish, who has faced lots of negative with his last two projects including NTR Biopic and Aha web series Masti’s, is now doing a new movie. As the film with Pawan Kalyan, tentatively titled Viroopaksha, is likely to take more time to resume shooting, the director has prepared the ground to do a quick film in the gap.
Krish has already announced the film, which will have upcoming mega hero Vaishnav Tej as the lead and hottie Rakul Preet as the female lead. Guess what, the director has secretly started the film as the shooting starts from Monday at Vikarabad forests. Finishing her works in Mumbai quite quickly, Rakul came back to Hyderabad and today early morning she has rushed to the shoot as well.
During the times of Covid-19 pandemic, many are not daring to shoot, but then, this time is quite enthusiastic that they will shoot with utmost care in the forests of Vikarabad without facing huge risks of any manner. And if Krish completes the movie as planned in just 40 days time, then it will be another inspirational stuff for Tollywood. from Movie News – Gulte