Hero Suriya had earlier announced that he has set aside Rs 5 crore from the revenue generated by selling OTT rights of Soorarai Pottru (Aakasam Nee Haddura in Telugu) to Amazon Prime for direct release. He had promised to donate the amount to COVID-19 frontline warriors, general public and for the benefit of those in the industry.
Suriya has donated a sum of Rs 1.5 crore from the total promised amount of Rs 5 crore to various films bodies. On behalf of Suriya, his father Sivakumar handed over a cheque for Rs 80 lakh to FEFSI President RK Selvamani and Rs 20 lakh to RV Udhaykumar, Secretary, TANTIS.
A sum of Rs 30 lakhs was donated to Tamil Film Producers’ Council and Rs 20 lakh to Nadigar Sangam.
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from Movie News – Gulte https://ift.tt/3b7SQE9