The other day, the most anticipated teaser of ‘RRR’ was unveiled. Young Tiger Jr NTR as Komaram Bheem roared with his thunderous performance. The teaser poured with millions of views and almost everyone gave a big thumbs up to the stunning visuals. The surprising element in the teaser was Bheem (Jr NTR) wearing the hat of Muslim tradition in the end.
This has become a centre of discussion ever since it was watched. Many started digging the history of Komaram Bheem while a few are consulting the history experts. Still there are no clarity on this. But in the wake of it, Adivasis have expressed their disappointment and demanded the makers of ‘RRR’ should take down those scenes.
“Komaram Bheem is the voice of Adivasis. He fought against the ruthless Nizam Kings and he sacrificed his life for Adivasis rights. How can such a great personality be insulted by showing him wear a hat that belongs to a community? We demand director SS Rajamouli to remove those scenes immediately,” said Adivasis groups. Further the Adivasis warned that if the scenes are not excluded, they would to move to court against the filmmakers of ‘RRR.’
Well, from the beginning director Rajamouli has been saying that ‘RRR’ is a fictional story based on the lives of Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetharama Raju. So will Rajamouli respond to Adivasis demand and clear the issue off is something to be seen. Generally Rajamouli avoids controversy so most probably he might respond to it. from Movie News – Gulte