Actor Harshavardhan Rane, who is popular for films in both Telugu and Hindi, has revealed that he was diagnosed with COVID-19 and that things were not so good with him.
The actor was gearing up for the release of his latest film Taish, directed by Bejoy Nambiar when he got diagnosed with the novel virus.
Talking to a leading daily, Harshavardhan revealed that he was admitted to the ICU for four days after developing severe headache and fever due to the coronavirus.
He said, “It started with a severe headache and a slight fever. When the headache didn’t subside even after four days, I went to a hospital, where they dismissed it as viral fever. However, they did a COVID-19 test, which turned out to be positive. When I didn’t get any relief from fever and headache even after two days, I went to the hospital once again, and they admitted me to the ICU immediately.”
Harshavardhan said that he is into the recovery stage now but is unhappy that he couldn’t promote the film at all. Taish is streaming on Zee 5. from Movie News – Gulte