Soon after wrapping up Tuck Jagadish, Natural Star Nani will start his next film Shyam Singha Roy with director Rahul Sankrityan from December. The makers extend Dussehra wishes with a concept poster where Nani is seen as a shadow image.
Nani sports a different mustache and there are idols of Goddess Kali depicts intensity of the character. The sky appears red and the Howrah bridge can be seen in the picture. Dussehra is one of the biggest festivals in Kolkata (West Bengal) and the makers chose ideal time to release the poster.
Shyam Singha Roy is buzzed to be highest budgeted film to be produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under Niharika Entertainment. Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty are on board to essay heroines opposite Nani. Mickey J Meyer and Sanju John Varughese will look after music and camera departments respectively. from Movie News – Gulte